Yale Paprika
Yale Paprika
Less: Review for Memo
Less: Review for Memo
Drawing Anthropocene - Tracey Drawing and Visualisation Research
Drawing Anthropocene - Tracey Drawing and Visualisation Research
Concrete Euologies
Concrete Euologies
Queer Geology
Queer Geology
Visualising the Subsurface
Visualising the Subsurface
DASH: Experimental Housing
DASH: Experimental Housing
Article published in Joelho Journal of Architectural Culture “Archaeology, Landscape, Architecture: Crossings of Reciprocal Learnings”
Article published in Joelho Journal of Architectural Culture “Archaeology, Landscape, Architecture: Crossings of Reciprocal Learnings”
Earthmoving and Earthmaking in a Settler-Colonial City: a Material History
Earthmoving and Earthmaking in a Settler-Colonial City: a Material History
Teaching - The Exquisite Corpse
Teaching - The Exquisite Corpse
Dirt Moves, Dig and Dump
Dirt Moves, Dig and Dump
Subterranean Geographies Symposium
Subterranean Geographies Symposium
RMIT Design Archives Journal - Robin Boyd Redux
RMIT Design Archives Journal - Robin Boyd Redux
Learning from Las Begas - Design Studio
Learning from Las Begas - Design Studio
Student projects on Dezeen
Student projects on Dezeen
Grand Plans: Robin Boyd and the Small Homes Service - Exhibition
Grand Plans: Robin Boyd and the Small Homes Service - Exhibition
Queer Geology Exhibition
Queer Geology Exhibition
WikiD: women, Wikipedia, Design – Beazley Designs of the Year Award
WikiD: women, Wikipedia, Design – Beazley Designs of the Year Award
State Commendation - Bates Smart Award for Architecture in the Media (2016)
State Commendation - Bates Smart Award for Architecture in the Media (2016)
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Spatial Research + Academic Writing
Spatial Research + Academic Writing
Exhibition Design
Exhibition Design
Work in Progress...
Work in Progress...
Architectural Writing
Architectural Writing
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Parlour + Wikipedia #WikiD
Parlour + Wikipedia #WikiD
Yale Paprika
Yale Paprika
Less: Review for Memo
Less: Review for Memo
Drawing Anthropocene - Tracey Drawing and Visualisation Research
Drawing Anthropocene - Tracey Drawing and Visualisation Researchhttps://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/index.php/TRACEY/issue/view/70
Concrete Euologies
Concrete EuologiesAn online forum with Charity Edwards, Jason Crowe and Peter Raisbeck for ACAN
Queer Geology
Queer Geology
Visualising the Subsurface
Visualising the SubsurfaceEight years of Melbourne’s CBD excavations, visualised in aggregate.
DASH: Experimental Housing
DASH: Experimental Housing“The current housing crisis calls for creative solutions, but the primacy of the market seems to leave little room for truly innovative initiatives. Between 1968 and 1980, by contrast, there were plenty of experiments in housing design, made possible in part by the then Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning. They led to a wide range of alternatives to the uniformity of the mass housing of the time. This edition of DASH takes the historical Experimental Housing Programme as an inspiring starting point in a search for alternative housing forms, typologies and construction methods. It highlights appealing Dutch examples, such as Aldo van Eyck and Theo Bosch’s ground-breaking Onder de Bogen in Zwolle and Abe Bonnema’s Vier Vier kanten in Alkmaar, complemented by exceptional examples from abroad: from Sweden, Great Britain, Spain, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong and Singapore.”
Article published in Joelho Journal of Architectural Culture “Archaeology, Landscape, Architecture: Crossings of Reciprocal Learnings”
Article published in Joelho Journal of Architectural Culture “Archaeology, Landscape, Architecture: Crossings of Reciprocal Learnings” Download here: https://www.masterala.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Joellho-11-2021.06.08.pdf
Earthmoving and Earthmaking in a Settler-Colonial City: a Material History
Earthmoving and Earthmaking in a Settler-Colonial City: a Material HistoryA PhD project being undertaken at the University of Melbourne.
Teaching - The Exquisite Corpse
Teaching - The Exquisite Corpsehttps://msd.unimelb.edu.au/current-students/subject-information/msd-studios/master-of-architecture/c-2023_sm2-studios/studio-c02
Dirt Moves, Dig and Dump
Dirt Moves, Dig and DumpThis collaborative, multi-voiced lecture by Hélène Frichot, Therese Keogh, Virginia Mannering, Karin Reisinger addresses the Anthropocene thesis by following the mass movements of dirt, soil and minerals, from construction sites to mining areas, to acts of terra-forming and re-orderings of communities and ecosystems
Subterranean Geographies Symposium
Subterranean Geographies Symposium“This event brings together “underground” and“underwater” geography scholars in Australia in order to discuss and identify key Australian-related themes for the “subterranean turn” – a “down-under subterranean turn” if you will – and to map future avenues so that this scholarship is more directly contributing to international debates on underground geographies. The Symposium will be structured online, over three days. The Geographical Society of NSW and the School of Humanities and Languages’ Environment and Society Group at UNSW are delighted to present papers that reflect on critical and creative approaches to Australian subterranean Geography.”https://subterraneangeographies.wordpress.com/
RMIT Design Archives Journal - Robin Boyd Redux
RMIT Design Archives Journal - Robin Boyd Redux
Learning from Las Begas - Design Studio
Learning from Las Begas - Design StudioThe federal seat of Eden-Monaro, in south-eastern New South Wales, has traditionally been known as a ‘bellwether’ electorate. A diverse population as well as tensions between regional centres, rural industries, coastal economies and fragile wildernesses have meant the electorate acts as microcosm for a broader Australian public. The area is increasingly attracting spillover populations from Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, resulting in townships once relatively isolated potentially merging into a kind of regional megalopolis.This studio will locate projects in Eden-Monaro, in particular a connected strip of coastal and hinterland towns (such as Bermagui, Merimbula, Bega and Yass). Students will investigate sites through mapping, archive material and analysis of industry, politics and local/state and national economies and produce architecture that relates to these conditions. The class will create a network of projects, models and drawings.
Student projects on Dezeen
Student projects on Dezeenhttps://www.dezeen.com/2021/10/05/monash-university-student-architecture-projects-school-show/Moruya Versatile Arkbridge System by Kelvin Tsang Student: Kelvin Tsang Email: ktsang92[at]gmail.comCourse: Master of Architecture Tutor: Virginia Mannering "Moruya, located in New South Wales, is a post-industrial town struggling economically and ecologically. "The Moruya Versatile Arkbridge System addresses the environmental issues concerning the industrial and socioeconomic profile of the region. "The architectural intervention is a system that functions as part of an urban plan, revitalising the town to draw tourists for economic sustainability while providing infrastructural support to the smaller neighbouring towns that depend on its services. "The project acts as a cautionary speculative future, exemplifying an alternative architectural response to a near-dystopian Australian setting devastated by human-induced climate change."
Grand Plans: Robin Boyd and the Small Homes Service - Exhibition
Grand Plans: Robin Boyd and the Small Homes Service - Exhibition
Queer Geology Exhibition
Queer Geology Exhibition
WikiD: women, Wikipedia, Design – Beazley Designs of the Year AwardThe WikiD project by Parlour and Architexx has been nominated for the 2019 Beazley Designs of the Year Award, and is on show at the Design Museum London until April 2019. WikiD is a collaboration between Parlour and Architexx. The film was commissioned by Parlour – Justine Clark, Charity Edwards, Virginia Mannering and Alysia Bennett – with filmmaker Shing Hei Ho and typographer Catherine Griffiths. It was funded by Parlour and Monash University. https://archiparlour.org/beazley-designs-of-the-year/
State Commendation - Bates Smart Award for Architecture in the Media (2016)
State Commendation - Bates Smart Award for Architecture in the Media (2016)
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Spatial Research + Academic Writing
Spatial Research + Academic Writing
TeachingDesign StudiosSmall Society (University of Melbourne, 2017)Never Been Modern (Monash University, 2017)The Mission (University of Melbourne, 2017)Survey (Monash University, 2016)DIG (University of Melbourne, 2016)Loving the Alien (University of Melbourne, 2016)The Silver Factory (University of Melbourne, 2015)Your Hammam for Marta (University of Melbourne, 2015)This is England (University of Melbourne, 2014)atmosfer.is (University of Melbourne, 2014)Other UnitsArchitectural History and Theory (2014-present)Art History (2016 - present)Construction, Interior Architecture (2017)
Exhibition Design
Exhibition Design
Work in Progress...
Work in Progress...
Architectural Writing
Architectural Writing
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Parlour + Wikipedia #WikiD
Parlour + Wikipedia #WikiD
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